Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Review of Gary Vay - ner - chuk's CRUSH IT (Part One)

Hello Everyone! This book is SO GREAT that I couldn't even wait until I finished it before I started singing its praises here. It sounds so simple:

Love your Family
Work superhard
Live your passion

Didn't know success in business (or in life, for that matter) could be so easy, did you? Well, it's a combination of putting forth maximum effort doing something you love and doing it for the right reasons -- and NO, making a living is NOT the right reason. Also, going to a 9-5 job that you hate DOES NOT apply here, so if that's what you're doing now, don't you think it's time to revisit that part of your life? Absolutely!

For those that have been going to TE Live, you've been hearing Jon Olson talk about personal branding until you're probably sick of it. Fair warning -- guess what Chapter 3 is about in Crush It? You got it! Personal Branding! Maybe there is something to this personal branding stuff? Just a thought. Lots of discussion about using tools like Twitter for not just your business, but your personal brand as well.

By far this is my favorite book I've ever written, and, just as a heads up, I got this on Twitter about an hour ago:

*** "TYEbook @theTEguy well, i'm about to replace 'crush it' as your new favorite book. less than two months! #CRUSHcrushit (cc: @swhomebiz)" ***

TYE? What's that? It's Gary's newest book, "Thank You Economy", due for release in the next couple of months. So...keep your eyes open later this week for part two of my "Crush It" review as well my "Thank You Economy" review down the road when its out.

I want to hear from you on what you want me to talk about in blogs. Also, if you have an upcoming program release, give me a heads up and I'll be sure to mention it here as well as help out in any other way I can.

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