Monday, January 31, 2011

Presenting --- Click Track Profit

So what is this Click Track Profit (CTP) and why should I sign up? Simple, CTP is List Building for Dummies. It's so easy that even I can use it. The best part of it is the fact that the program materials come in small chunks. What you see when you first log on is NOT everything that the program has to offer. The concept is to "feed" you small bits of steps to do so you don't feel overwhelmed. That's a good thing for me, and, more then likely, you too.

Commissions, of course, is money. Simple. Money is good. I like money. How do you get commissions? Get folks to join CTP under you. How? For starters, get this information on your blog along with your signup link (easy enough -- I'm doing that here). Get your splash pages out on Traffic Exchanges (super easy -- you'll do some of that while you're completing the first 5 of the easy 8 step setup process once you get signed up and into the program). Each step comes with a video. Watch the video -- follow the instructions. Remember, more tasks are coming. These 8 steps are to get you just started for now.

Interesting fact: Once folks start under you, they start with these same 8 steps today, whether they sign up today, tomorrow, next month, or next year. The subsequent steps will follow in time for them just like it will do for you. They won't ever "catch up" to where you are. They get new steps/tasks at the same "bit by bit" pace that you do.

So, very simply, click on the link below, sign up, consider upgrading (it'll be worth it from day one -- options for month and year are available), and follow the 8 step set up process. At the time of this writing, once you finish the 8 steps, you get access to "advanced training" which contains 3 videos -- short, but definitely worth a listen. More will be coming down the road, so check back every day or so for new materials and steps.

If you still have questions, each Monday night at 7 PM ET, the authors of CTP (Jon, Tim, Justin, and Larry) are available at a weekly Traffic Exchange Live online session (link below). Oh, by the way, if you don't have a blog yet and need help, ask away while you're there. I'll be there, so come and join us and bring your questions (Please don't forget to come back here and use my link to sign up -- thanks!)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Review of Gary Vay - ner - chuk's CRUSH IT (Part Two)

All I can say is WOW! If you haven't read "Crush It" yet, why not? Perhaps the best chapter in the book was the one word chapter entitled "The best marketing strategy ever" and no, I'm not telling you what the one word is. It makes it worth getting the book all by itself.

He dedicates an entire chapter to monetizing, which you embark on once your site is set up, your brand is established, and you have your audience eating out of your hand. He goes into details about advertising, speaking engagements, affiliate program, retail, articles, seminars, books/TV, and consulting. Hint: You don't do all of that just one time.

Guess what? Not everything is going to go your way when you try to set everything up. Not everything is going to be successful the first time. Gary addresses these kind of situations in Chapter 12 (Roll with it). Change is a part of life, and yes, it's okay to do when you're establishing yourself, your business, and your brand.

I'm a simple, bullet-point-oriented person. As a result, my favorite part of the book is Appendix A (Did you forget anything?) where Gary set up a checklist of everything encompassed in the book. Be prepared to do several of those steps over and over and over and over and over.....

Fantastic book! Highly recommended! Buy it! Now! Also, as an extra bonus, Gary has a new book coming out soon -- "Thank You Economy". While you're ordering Crush It from your favorite online book site (or at your favorite book store), be sure to pre-order "Thank You Economy". You'll thank the economy, Gary, and me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Review of Gary Vay - ner - chuk's CRUSH IT (Part One)

Hello Everyone! This book is SO GREAT that I couldn't even wait until I finished it before I started singing its praises here. It sounds so simple:

Love your Family
Work superhard
Live your passion

Didn't know success in business (or in life, for that matter) could be so easy, did you? Well, it's a combination of putting forth maximum effort doing something you love and doing it for the right reasons -- and NO, making a living is NOT the right reason. Also, going to a 9-5 job that you hate DOES NOT apply here, so if that's what you're doing now, don't you think it's time to revisit that part of your life? Absolutely!

For those that have been going to TE Live, you've been hearing Jon Olson talk about personal branding until you're probably sick of it. Fair warning -- guess what Chapter 3 is about in Crush It? You got it! Personal Branding! Maybe there is something to this personal branding stuff? Just a thought. Lots of discussion about using tools like Twitter for not just your business, but your personal brand as well.

By far this is my favorite book I've ever written, and, just as a heads up, I got this on Twitter about an hour ago:

*** "TYEbook @theTEguy well, i'm about to replace 'crush it' as your new favorite book. less than two months! #CRUSHcrushit (cc: @swhomebiz)" ***

TYE? What's that? It's Gary's newest book, "Thank You Economy", due for release in the next couple of months. So...keep your eyes open later this week for part two of my "Crush It" review as well my "Thank You Economy" review down the road when its out.

I want to hear from you on what you want me to talk about in blogs. Also, if you have an upcoming program release, give me a heads up and I'll be sure to mention it here as well as help out in any other way I can.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Out with the old, In with the new!

Hello Everyone! Yes, I am getting going into the wonderful world of blogging (again). It got a bit stale the first time around because I kept trying to make myself do an entry every day whether I had anything to write or not. Not good. So, I'm writing this entry during the Get Referrals Fast conference. I was THRILLED to see that they recommended a blogger blog because, as you can see, I already have one. Just need to use it once in awhile. Look for entries maybe 2-3 times a week, maybe more, maybe less.

Thanks and remember to make it a GREAT day!
Stephen Whittle (swhomebiz)